

$150 Off 90 Day Unlimited

For New Members only

Did you know that research says it takes 90 days to establish a habit?

Start your self-care & wellness journey with our 90 day pass

Join our community

Be prepared for a warm welcome. We do our best to acknowledge and learn your name. It’s important to get to know you, take time to connect and to ensure you feel like the valued part of our community that you are. 

Also, If you’re looking for a strict practice, this isn't it. We offer directions and suggestions, while encouraging you to explore your own experience. If something is unsafe or a light assist may be helpful, of course we’ll let you know, but there’s no strict “right” or “wrong” in our classes, nor will there ever be shaming or pushing you past your limits. We believe strongly in meeting people where they are at. So welcome to the community, settle in and enjoy your time here!